As you know, I have safely arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark. My Dad and I came a few days early to get acquainted with the city and act as true tourists. We were both able to finally step foot on our ancestors home land, Sweden- YAY! Unfortunately, it was freakin freezing- but still very beautiful. All the fisherman put out their 'catch of the day' in their little fish huts- its quite an adorable site, too bad I don't care for the taste or smell (ick) of fish.
I also have myself a lovely blue bike. The weather just needs to get a bit nicer before I can ride it around. I also need a light for my bike, its actually a law here- and I don't have the money to pay their outrageous fines! If you are caught on the train with a wrong ticket- you get fined 600 Kroner ( which is about $120 )- I've seen it happen twice...leaving both girls in tears. Goodness, i'm soo forgetful- I hope it doesn't happen to me!
** Interesting facts: There are only 5.5 million people in Denmark and only 8% of those are of other ethnicities, "Denmark for the Danes!" There is also a 50% Income Tax, 25% tax on everything you buy, 200% Tax on automobiles and our American Dollar is worth crap-therefore everything is too damn expensive.
Classes are wonderful and I'm actually enjoying them all.I am taking: Children in a Multicultural Context Theory and Practicum, Migrants Minorities and Multiculturalism and Sociaology of European Families. I was elected Class Rep. for my Sociology of European Families course- which pretty much means I get to have free coffee and chat with the professor. :-) I also just enrolled in a 1credit Turkey at the Crossroads course- which includes a week-long tour of Turkey!!!
Thursday was my first full day at my Practicum site. I assist in a Danish Preschool, which has kids from 3-6 yrs of age. My Preschool is located in Copenhagen and is unique because every child comes from parents with a non-danish background. Most of the children are Muslim and therefore speak Arabic, so we get to learn Danish together. So far I have learned my numbers 1-10 and my colors! The 5 and 6 yr. olds got quite a laugh out of teaching me the colors- mainly amusing by my horrible pronunciation of the difficult Danish language.
This is a very brief intro- but as more happenings occur I will keep you all up-to-date.
Much love to all those back at home, miss you bunches!
Your friend across the sea,
1 comment:
Halloooo Vicki!!! I love your blog! I can't wait for the days to get a little longer and the weather to get a little warmer so I can bring Mom with me to see you and more of Denmark and Sweden. Love you big Bunch! Daddeo
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