~Kevin, Myself and the Infamous Mojito~
As you know, I was a bit bitter about my living situation lately- actually i've been hating it. So, being the emotional person I am- i complained, cried and got them to move me. I decided the Kollegium thing just wasn't what I wanted, so my school has found me a lovely family to live with. Actually I haven't met them yet- but the Mom has e-mailed me and seems extremely adorable. They have two daughters, 11 and 2 years old. I'm sooo excited to get to play with kids AND eat some tasty Danish meals. Mmm. Also- they are only 20 minutes away from my school...which will make my commute so much easier. Now It takes me about 40 minutes by train, and the night bus takes about an hour ( ughck ).
So, I've been packing up all day- Dad, I'm going to need another suitcase! I've already accumulated so much crap. Oops. But, tomorrow at 3PM my new family comes to pick me up and take me to my new home. Cross your fingers for me that they are just as loverly in person as they seem via e-mail.
I feel like I should catch you up on some of what I have been doing. So- for this blog I will start with the Night Life, because it is so fantasmic!
There was Jazz Fest going on here two weeks ago- plus they seem to enjoy Jazz over here, as everyone should, because they have quite a few Jazz Bars. So- I have dont some bar hopping on different nights to check out the Jazz scene- and it may be one of my favorite things. Sitting with good friends, having an ice cold glass of Carlsberg and listening to Jazz music while in Copenhagen is just an amazing experience. It gets even better when you meet nice old Danish ladies who want to bone your good looking friend so she ends up buying the two of you drinks all night. Yes, yes,last Jazz bar I went to- thanks to my friend Kevin and his charm- a nice lady bought us drinks all night, including delicious Mojitos. Mmmm- free drinks!
I also went to a Blue's bar one of the first nights I was here, and that was also great- it was an open mic night, so different bands got to play.
Last night I figured I would branch out a bit and took a night off from the live music and went to a bar/night club with a few wonderful friends. We enjoyed our shots of Fiskeh-fisk( or however you spell it) and danced the night away. I didn't get back until about 5AM, so I obviously had a wonderful time. :-)
Now I am off to a MexiBar- Yummy Mexican food and cheap drinks. I will fill you all in on my move after I am all settled in. Oh- I hope they have internet for me...eeeekk.
Excited to escape the barracks-
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