Monday, 11 February 2008

A New Home.

Anxiously awaiting friends and family-
Good news! A lovely Danish family came to rescue me from The Land of Suffering-a.k.a Albertslund-at 3PM on Sunday.

~My new room~
~Is this not made just for me?!~

  The Danes are very punctual- My new host father along with the eldest daughter and friend arrived to meet me right at 3. I immediately received a hug from my new Host Dad and I knew then that everything would be perfect! I haven't slept much the past two nights from shear excitement alone! Ahh, I honestly can't stop smiling- ask any of the students in my class. 
      :-)    :-)    :-)    :-)    :-)    :-)    :-)
I really could not have asked for a nicer family. The eldest daughter is quite good with her english and seems like she is going to be a lot of fun to hang out with. At the moment she is on a week long skiing trip with her class. You may ask where Danes go skiing???---Sweden of course, poor things! The 2 yr old girl is just too precious- I wish i could speak Danish so I could communicate with her more easily...but I find that making funny faces, weird noises and putting on silly hats seems to work just fine.
I have my own room and shower. I swear they decorate the room as if they knew I was coming, its just so me. They also have a really fancy coffee maker and I get daily home cooked meals. On my first night here my host-dad made his WORLD FAMOUS Omelets- and he wasn't lying, Mmm Mmm- I may dream about them for weeks. I feel like I have so many stories to tell, but I find myself to be at a completely loss for words due to my euphoric state.
I will be quite busy for the rest of the week- with no time to Blog, So i will give you a quick overview of my upcoming adventures: Tomorrow I am having my friend over for dinner and a slumber party ( YAY! ) Wednesday we then have a field study to a community playground. Thursday I leave for a short study tour to Western Denmark. We were supposed to be going to Lego Land, but it is closed in the winter. :-( I am very disappointed. But, from Thursday to Saturday I will be traveling Denmark in a bus with some other PCD students. I am quite excited for some traveling, although i am now very sad to leave my new family. As soon as I get back I will update you all on where i've been and what I have been up to. Talk to you all then!!

**EMERGENCY NOTICE** Danes do not celebrate Valentines Day. I've been able to find a few cards- but no decorations, candy, or fun Valentine's goodies. Please send me love!

Feeling much more at home,
  Vicki   XOXO

P.S. For Dad- the drink is pronounced 'Fisk-eh-Fisk', with a mouth full of potatoes. 

1 comment:

Ken Johnson said...

I miss you! Love you big bunch. Happy Valentine's Day -- even though they don't celebrate it!