Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Bee Mine.

Dearest Missed Lovers,
  As I have mentioned previously, the Danes do not celebrate Valentine's Day. Absurdity!! But, I have decided to not let this stop me. I bought my host family roses and made them a beautiful heart-shaped card. I also just got finished making 20 valentines for all the PCD students!!! I also plan on wearing red and as many hearts as possible tomorrow. My outfit will hopefully shout- Yes, I AM AMERICAN AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Tomorrow at 7:30 I am departing for my tour of western Denmark...thats in about 6 hours, and I have to leave in about 5 and i'm still doing laundry- Oooppps, No sleep for me!! I was very worried about my car-sickness and the bus ride tomorrow morning. My school is so fantastic that during our field study to the Play Ground today my teacher stopped at the pharmacy and helped me buy  some medicine. She also told me that the bus driver has a special seat up front with him in case I do start to feel sick....gosh, I hope I don't have to sit next to the bus driver!  Keep your fingers crossed for no puking tomorrow!! My host mom told me to pack some bags just in case. haha. 
When I arrive back from my trip I will upload pictures from my playground trip and tell you a bit about it.
For now, I will fill you in on a little incident that occurred last night. You see...I had my friend Miki sleep over and we decided to go out last night. We went to a lovely little Jazz bar and stayed out till about 3AM. My family had informed me that the Metro runs all night and is the best way to get home....Thank goodness I thought- because the NightBus can be a pain in the buttocks. Anyways, when we arrived at the Metro it was, of course, closed. I had no clue what to do and my anxiety kicked right in. I ended up calling my host-mom at 3am!! I don't think i will ever get over feeling bad about this, not to mention she couldn't remember which bus I needed to take so she paid for my friend and I to take a cab home!! Denmark is expensive enough, but a cab ride?? EEK- By the time we got to my front door it cost 30 bucks and my lovely host-mom came running out in her bathrobe to pay the driver. My family is absolutely amazing...but I still have to make it up to them, or i'll never feel quite right. She didn't seem bothered at all...was glad I had a fun night and felt comfortable to call her.  I love having a Danish Family!!!

Laundry time-

Supporter of Valentine's Day,

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