Sunday, 9 May 2010

Super Chivos!

Anoche, Xelaju tomo la victoria y ahora estan en la Finals- de futbol, por supesto. En caso tu no sabes, Super Chivo es el apodo de Xuleju.

Chivo is a Goat.

So, yes. Last night was the final game of the semi-finals of football of Guatemala. The game toom place here in Xela. Let me tell you, there´s not much more exciting that one can experience. They weren´t deemed to win this game beforehand because they did so poorly against the same team earlier this week. But, 2-0...two over times, and it took Penalty kicks to win the game. Then the entire city broke out into celebration. You would have thought the Red Sox had wn the World Series after 80 years...ha. Hundreds of people filled Central Park and the partying didn´t stop until the morning. A very unique experience...and now we have Saturday to look forward to.

The Final game of the finals is taking place here in Xela this weekend. Which has me contemplating my travel plans...because, can I really miss it???
Semuc Champey o Finals de futbol???

Also, i´m looking for a new place to live. I found out that I could get an apartment for less than a hundred dollars a month- two bedroom place- right next to Central Park. I´ve decided I´m retiring in Central America. I will also sell chocalate dipped fruit out of my window. In ten years time, this is where you will find me.

K, Must run- we´ve been busy celebrating Aaron- my new roomies- birthday. We had McFlurries instead of cake and filled his with 24 birthday candles and set them ablaze in McDonalds. Quite the perfect celebratory act I think. OH, and Dad will be proud....I taught the crew how to play dice and It´s a Hit!

Amo a todo,

Tambien, Necesito dicer ´Feliz Dia de Madres´a todo las madres!!!
( Today is Mother´s Day at Home, but Tomorrow is Mother´s day here.)
( Celebrate Twice!)

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