Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Tengo Pulgas. I have fleas.

Yepp. I have fleas. Well, not so much have them as fleas don´t actually habitate on humans because we don´t have enough fur...but, they attacked. And thats to put it lightly.

Today I counted. My right hand ( this includes front and back and very upper wrist ).
I have 45 bites on my right hand.
And, if you continue to count up my arm...just a couple inches more, you´ll count another 20. And this is only one arm!

Arms, legs, stomach, neck, face. Covered.
I am a dirty, filthy, itchy, swolen mess.

Guatemala has given me:
Food poisoning.

what next....

Ready to fly home. Only three more days.

Your friendly Guatmalan street-animal,

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