Tuesday, 6 May 2008

A trip to The Homeland

~Hobbit HomeLand~

Dearest Family, and friends I consider family-
It turns out Sweden looks like Hobbit land! Ha. The nature is just so beautiful and GREEN. To fill you in- This past Thursday and Friday, my friend Kevin and his host-family invited me along on a trip to Sweden. His host-parents own a flat there, in a town I can't remember the name of ( sorry ). Anyway, it's half way in between Copenhagen and Stockholm, near lakes and forests- where I love to be! I had a wonderful time and Kevin's host-parents are super nice and fed us way too much food! Also, Sweden is absolutely beautiful. I'm glad I got to see another part of it compared to Malmo (where i had been before) because that area is very industrialized- newer buildings and very touristy...so it was nice to see the country side and the woods. And hopefully I will see another side, the sea side, when I go back to Sweden with the parents to visit family! :-)
Also, turns out houses in Sweden, at least in the woods, are VERY cheap. So, I think I need to look into buying myself a nice little Summer Swedish Cottage one day. The picture below is the lake we hiked around the first day we got there. Supposedly it is called Heart Lake because it is shaped like a heart...Now you respond: "Awweee" :-)
We also went to a rock quarry where we could look out over the forest, it was so pretty.
It was a lovely opportunity to get in on a free trip to sweden, with wonderful company and a cozy home to stay in.  
Now...To fill you in on my position in school. I only have one more day of class, On Friday. Tomorrow I will be doing some reading, shopping for a gift for my professor, and going to see Explosions in the Sky later in the evening ( this is an AMAZING band, for those that don't know what i'm referring to, AKA- Mom and Dad). Then, on Thursday I have my first Final, an Oral Exam for my PCD class. It is a group final, there are 5 people in my group. We had to pick a general topic: ours is Theory Versus Practice, and we each have to give a 5-minute presentation on a theme within this topic and then we have 15 minutes to bring up discussion questions and have constructive conversation amongst ourselves and then we get a grade. Sort of nerve-racking, but I think we will do just fine. And after the exam we have a Reception that night for all of PCD, which I think will be a lot of fun. Then Friday is my last day of class... of college... everrrr, or atleast until Grad School. :-)  Then next week I have three finals and the parents are coming! Woooooo! It is so weird to have this all come to close so soon, my time here just flew by!

Ohhh. I had a story I wanted to tell you all, or a quick image to illustrate for you.
On my way to class this morning, the guy walking in front of me was wearing the following outfit: Nicely styled Spiked hair ( to look all messy, like he didn't try to look nice), tight n' bright t-shirt with a Navy-style jacket over(also tight fitting), converse sneakers and tight fitting jeans with a belt that said LONDON from behind pulled down just enough so that you could see that his cute little butt was wearing bright pink undies- Now folks, this is the essence of Danish style! :-)

Talk to you all soon, and see you as well! Yippeee!

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