Sunday, 11 May 2008

Embarking on a week of EXAMS

Dearest Loved Ones-
I currently have one Final down and three to go. We had our Oral Final last week for PCD and my group got an A! (applause is welcomed) Tomorrow I have a written final for PCD, which I feel pretty o.k. about. Or..sorry to say this parents...but I hope five years of college has paid off a little bit and has at least taught me how to be an excellent bull-shitter. 

The past week was a lot of fun and full of sunshine.
 On Thursday we had our PCD reception. 
It was a nice little get-together with snacks and beverages 
provided by DIS for us students and our Practicum
supervisors. My professor and a few students gave speeches and played some music and we had all pitched in some Kroner to get our professor a Thank you/Congrats on the baby gift. I went shopping for it with my friend liz and we found the greatest wooden toy farm, with all the little animals and everything! I wish I had one for myself. :-) We drank the night away thanks to DIS providing us with alcohol, which is one thing I will greatly miss about school in Denmark.
This weekend was also Karnival! There was a huge festival in one
the many beautiful parks here in Copenhagen. It was awesome weather
and Lots of fun. Amazing music, sunshine, and I even got to play in 
the Hay- sounds strange, but it was fantastic!

Pictures on this blog include:
Me with friends at the PCD Reception, The Huge and beautiful park, and My friend Carrie and I at the park enjoying the sunshine. 

Anyways, I just wanted to check in- let you know I have ben enjoying my last days here in Copenhagen and now I am beginning to stress about finals. Please keep your fingers crossed for me- 
I really want to be a graduate! 

HELLOO PARENTS! You arrive in 2 days! I hope you are ready and I apologize for the fact that the weather forecast is not looking so great. You will get the true Denmark experience!
It is crazy to think I will be seeing you in person and not over a computer screen! I am looking forward to it. I have grown to be so comfortable here it's just weird to even think about getting on a plane and landing in The States and stepping foot into our house. Life is Strange.

The next time I talk to you all I will hopefully be done with my Finals and be much more relaxed- and hopefully a Graduate! 
See you all in America in Aprox. 10 Days!

Studying with my fingers crossed,

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