~Le Louvre~
Hello Lucky Americans-
First of all, I wanted to post a picture from Paris because I saw that I failed to do so in my mini-blog about my travel break. So, for proof that I really did make it, TA DA- a picture for you!
Currently, I am sick-I'd like to curl up in a ball and die right now, yes- sorry for being so depressing. But, I have been stuffy for about 8 weeks now, and the past week has been awful. I have been in bed for the past three days and have not been able to sleep. I have such a bad cough that it keeps me up all night long. This is the reason for which I am writing and posting this blog past 4AM. The Danish people don't believe in sleeping aids, among other types of valuable drugs. I could really go for some Nyquil. I would also like a popsicle and some chicken noodle soup. They don't even eat chicken noodle soup here, can you believe it?! So, when I addressed this blog by referring to you all as 'lucky'- please realize how lucky you actually are! Drugs are so accessible for you....go buy them, stock up! Take them even if you don't need to...because YOU CAN!! Also, I thought the welfare system worked wonderfully here...but I was proven very wrong. It took be three times at the doctor before they actually prescribed me medicine. The first two times I was told to get sleep and drink tea. One time, my host mom called the doctor to bring me in and they wouldn't even take me!...said I wasn't sick enough. My goodness, i'd like to share some of this pain with them...Errrghhh. Then another time I called myself to make an appointment...
"Hello, does anyone speak english?"
"Nej..Nej"....'hangs up phone'
I must share with you my feeling at that very moment.."what a bunch of BULL!!"- everyone is this damn country speaks freakin english. The guy at the fruit stand can speak english...but NO ONE in the doctors office speaks english??!! COME ON NOW!!
So, needless to say- it took several tries, but I now have some drugs. But...I'm on my third day of medication and I have only gotten worse. Cough, sore throat and fever all arrived after starting the medication. I'm fed up I tell you!
Oh, and to get this medication I had to wait in the pharmacy for over an hour and it cost my 50 bucks. WTF.
On a brighter note, I do have a couple of lovely stories for you all. The first is in regards to my youngest host-sister Nicoline, pictured below.
One lovely evening, Nicoline was playing outside while I was busy writing a paper in my room. I heard her running around and laughing and giggling and soon enough I hear her bump into my window. Bored with my paper, I went over to my window- unlocked it and opened it up...and then the fun just didn't stop. Nicoline was super enthralled by the fact that she could now come by and open my window and crawl in to say hello. I also have taken a video of her saying 'hello' through my window. I was able to teach her to say Hellooo this very afternoon. She is just too freakin cute. Over and Over and Over and Overrrr again, all evening- until we were called for dinner- Nicoline kept opening my window, crawling in, asking for a gummy bear and slamming the window- only to re-open it about 32 second later. It was a wonderful little game that kept us both entertained and since then it seems that she likes me even more! She even referred to me as 'my vicki' the other day. She is a great little kid.
Next....I of course must not leave out my other amazing host-sister, Frederikke.
I recently was taken to The Experimentarium, by request of Frederikke. The Experimentarium reminded me of the Science Museum in Boston...hands on fun for everyone! My favorite parts were this wonderful hall mirrors and the soap bubble station. I was able to make a whole bubble around my body!...impressive, i know. My host dad also forced me to eat some Nachos this same afternoon. I hadn't had any sort of Mexican/Spicy food since my arrival in Denmark...so, lets just say it didn't settle quite well in my tummy. This all makes me very nervous to start eating American food again...I may have to take it slow, and continue eating bland and boring.
Well, those are my stories for now. I have to get up in about 5 hours. I can't miss any more class, especially due to the fact that I have to turn in a 10 page paper tomorrow.....which I am very nervous for. You must remember I haven't slept in three days and feel like death- this paper was written in this state of mind, god help me!
Anyways- I would appreciate if everyone thinks positive thoughts for me to get better. Positive thoughts are about all i have over here in Denmark, since they lack proper medication and chicken noodle soup. There's no hope for me, is there?
Sick of being sick ( but thinking positively)
1 comment:
As your American dad, I must say I feel terrible that I can't e-mail you some chicken soup. I would mail it, but as you and I already know, PRIORITY mail takes a week to two weeks to arrive, and by then you'd be well. I love your blog but not as much as I love you. Daddeo
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