Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Another Danish Family Adventure!

Hello everyone-
     This past weekend, my Danish family took me on another Adventure. As you can recall, they first took me to the Experimentarium, then I got to go to a Danish Baptism..and now I've been to Kronborg Castle- also Known as Hamlet's Castle. 

~Kronborg Castle~

It was a lovely little day. The town  it is located in is literally a Hop-skip and a jump away from Sweden ( A 20 minute ferry ride) I was able to look right across the ocean to my beautiful home land. :-) ( you can see Sweden in the distant background of the pic below) Also, my Host-Dad tool the scenic route to Kronborg, all along the coast, which was such a pretty drive. Such gigantic European Mansions, like homes you see in movies. I wonder how people can afford such things in this country with all the damn taxes...??
You can now also see me and my new dark hair...courtesy of my host-dad and his salon. Don't Freddie and I look like we could actually be sisters now?? We may look more alike than me and my actual sister!! Ha ( Love you Mandy )
~Frederikke and I~ time here is coming to an end. I started counting down the days because I actually am anxious to come home.  It has been a wonderful time here and I am still enjoying every minute of it... But, for those of you who know me well..I get bored a little too I am now in the mode of being 'bored' with Denmark...if that is even possible. Pretty much, I just feel very comfortable here, same city- same people..and I'm ready to come home and start the next phase of my life= SUMMER... with friends I haven't seen in far too long..and also looking forward to Italia and Grad School. I am sooo anxious to just start teaching! Also, the past few months have been extremely enjoyable here because I've had near to no school work, its been a breeze...i shouldn't be complaining now,but i am...So, all of a sudden I have sooo much freakin work to do. Instead of being outside in the sun, running through fields and making myself crowns out of flowers, I am sitting in front of my computer doing research and writing papers, Needless to say- not my favorite thing to do. So, I am currently finishing up my last big paper. Then this weekend I have a 15 Page Portfolio to write and construct ( I'm attempting to be creative with my project and making my portfolio into a 'Memory Box' ) and I also have some research to do for an Oral Exam I have next week...then, the rest of my time will be spent reading and studying for three BIG written finals. ICK- just thinking about all of this makes my stomach turn and my face scrunch up into a unfortunate-looking-disgusted-sort-of-face. :-/
Anywho- I'll stop complaining and blogging and actually try to fix some of this stress by going and getting something done....

As for my count down: 22 days till I am back Stateside!! See you all soon. :-)

Ready to be home,

P.S. Forget to mention the exciting part of my life because I was too busy complaining...but, for some distraction- I am going to Sweden for the next two days!! My friend Kevin invited me to go with him and his host-family. It will be nice...I could use some time out of Copenhagen and away from my piles of work. Update you later. PEACE.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Makes me sad to see "my" castle...but even more excited to go back there again!! When I get over there you MUST come up to Helsingor again and we can explore :)