A photo for Pure Enjoyment
(Miki and I practicing our 'Stink Eye')
Hello folks- I am bored- mainly due to a recent cold, but also due to the fact that I am looking for some distractions from my heavy work load- so, I am here to play a bit of Ketchup (Catch-up) with you all. My host-family arrived home today from their vacation. Thank goodness! I was getting mighty lonely and the silence was driving me nuts. I was told that Nicoline was complaining about wanting to go home the whole trip and when she first got here she said how happy she was to be home. I was glad to have her home as well. We played a bit of dress-up, where she did mine and Frederikke's fake make-up, then we had a little tea party, then we ran around the house, and then we sat and watched t.v. while Nico styled my hair. I'm getting better at understanding her- and for the most part, I can get the gist of what shes saying. Usually its just "Come, Vicki" and I follow or "Nej, Vicki", which is 'no'- and in that case I just stick my tongue out at her until she laughs.
This week I was sick and in bed for most of the time. I have been fighting off some sort of sinus infection/flu type sickness. My glands were HUGE and my head felt like a brick. After playing with kids all day at my school on Thursday, I came home around 4PM, immediately passed out and didn't wake up till Noon the next day! I had a great day at my practicum site this week. Usually on Thursdays we go to this Indoor Gym, but this week was different. I got to stay at the school with The Birds- the Kindergarteners. I was told how different the Danish Education Philosophy was from back at home- but the more time I spend at my site, the more similarities I see. This is very comforting. So, on Thursday the kids were learning about emotions. They were specifically learning about fairness- the difference between what is fair and what is not fair, what it feels like and correct ways to act. They also learned about the difference of doing something by accident and on purpose. In order to portray there ideas the pedagogue had several large flash cards with pictures of children on them- portraying different scenarios and feelings, as well as puppets for acting out different events. The Amazing thing is- this Exact system ( pictures, puppets, etc) was used at the Kindergarten I assisted in back in CT! I WAS SO EXCITED!!
This week I also visited a Red Cross Asylum center- for refugees. It was really depressing and is an experience that will have a lasting impact on my life forever. We got to talk to the actual people living at the center, trying to seek asylum in Denmark. For those of you who are not aware- Due to Denmark's most recent government, Immigration is not something the Danes look upon highly. It is near impossible to gain residency in Denmark and Immigrants from any country are not welcome. The main problem is that many asylum seekers are coming from Iraq-because it is currently not safe for many people to live there, especially Christians. Anyways- Denmark will not give these people asylum, but they also won't go back to Iraq and Denmark does not have an agreement with Iraq to send them back- so They get stuck here! I talked to one man who has been stuck in the Asylum center for 7 years. Denmark doesn't allow Asylum seeker to get jobs either, and they are only given about 600DKK every two weeks- Thats about 120dollars. They publish a newspaper about their stories and the hardships of being an asylum seeker.
- Check it out: Newtimes
What stood out the most to me was when asked what they thought of the Danish Immigration system key words used were: Unprofessional, Inhuman, and Disgusting- most seekers claimed they got to Denmark by Bad Luck. It is such a depressing situation.
To get a feel for Denmark's Government, its tactics and ideals- check out this video. You don't have to understand Danish to get the gist of the underlying message...it's scary...
Also, I am getting more and more nervous about coming back to The States. Please vote for someone who will stop spending money, or who at least someone who knows something about economics! (Hint- spread the word about Ron Paul!) Check this out....(Thanks, Jan. )
Skittles, Twizzlers and Reese's!!!! Life is good.
Hello to Nicoline and Frederikke! Tell them I'm visiting the mouse on Tuesday. I'll plan to say hello to the Earl for you, too!
Love, Dad
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