Wednesday, 5 March 2008

A Dream Forest

Hello Far-Away Friends-
     I will soon be embarking on the adventure of a life-time, but this also means that I will be lacking a computer so my communication with the outside world ( all of you lovelies) will be limited/non-existent. Sorry to say- but I don't really care...I'm going to be traveling Europe!! What could be better?!
I have survived my sickness and I am back to a normal level of functioning. I would like to catch you up on some exciting news from this week:
     FIRST- Our wonderful PCD Intern informed us that she was able to have DIS buy us all tickets to see....(drum roll, please.....).....CIRQUE DU SOLEIL in AMSTERDAM!! PCD freakin rocks- it is by far THE BEST program at DIS..mainly thanks to Jenn, our hard working intern. The Cirque Du Soleil I will be seeing is called Varekai-
 "In a Dream Forest, Acrobats and Beauty Meet"
Check it out: (i can't get the link to bring you right to the Varekai section, so you can go to the main website and click on Varekai if you are interested)
SECOND, My Group for my PCD- Children in a Multicultural Context class had a paper and presentation due this Monday, which I think I mentioned in a previous blog. Anyways, we did an AMAZING job- as usual. We got everyone in a nice little discussion about our topic, played some clips from the interview and then- thanks to my craft skills- I made an awesome diorama/view box.  Our project was on the Freetown Christniania Kindergarten. Inside this Kindergarten there is an 'Adventure Room'- It is a room used for story-telling and is fully painted floor to ceiling as a magical fantasty land and I re-
created this inside a shoe box...TA DA!!!
THIRD- I got to see my first Hand Ball Match. The other night, Frederikke- My 11yr old Host-sister had a Hand Ball match, and the whole family dragged me along to watch...of course they didn't really have to drag me, I was eager to go! Hand Ball is very similar to the sense that you have to dribble and pass a ball- the ball is smaller than a
 basketball, bigger than a soft ball- The players than have to throw the ball into what looks like a hockey net to score. Freddie scored 3 points! I was very impressed.I hope when it gets warmer outside she will teach me how to play. The picture at the right is of Freddie's team playing Hand Ball at the indoor gym. This Gym was also amazing. it was huge. So many rooms with different things going on. My host-dad walked around to say hi to different friends of his. So first we walked around this gym, next to hand ball- there were tennis courts, then at the other side of the gym- there were girls doing gymnastics. We then went into another room where people were doing Karate, and Then we went into yet another room where there is a table tennis club and a bar!! My host-dad said the Table tennis club is fun and cozy because they just sit around and drink beers and then play ping pong. Amazing!

K- I should get started on some work...I have two more papers and one more presentation due this week...but I can't complain because once this week is over I have three whole weeks off to see the world!
Talk to you all soon, Miss you Bunches!

Eagerly awaiting my upcoming adventures,
  Vicki- xoxo

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