Wednesday, 28 April 2010

¡Hola Señor Tortuga!

¡Hola otra vez!

Since my update on my first three weeks here was so brief ( sorry for the semi-failure), I figure... When I have the time I´ll share the most important stories with you. Today you get to hear the story of my trip to the zoologico.

During my first week here, if my memory serves my correctly, I looked into doing some volunteer work with a wonderful organization based here in Xela called Nuevos Horizontes. Nuevos Horizontes runs both a Women´s shelter for abused women and their children and a Day Care center for single working mothers- all volunteer run. They were taking the kids from the Day care on a trip to the I jumped at the chance to help out.
It was a great way to meet all the volunteers and all the kids, in total we had 30 kids that day and 15 volunteers.

The smiles and beautiful faces of these children describe all I could ever say about my time with them. No words, just pure joy.
I hung around specifically with one amazing young girl, who had to say hello to each animal we encountered: ¡Hola Señor Tortuga, Hola Señorita Poloma!
Haha, an amusing part of the Zoo was the polomas, which means there was pigeons at the zoo. Yes, Pigeons! In a cage! As a display!...and its not like they don´t have them here, because they take over the Parque Central at all times of day...but, just in case you don´t get enough bonding on a regular day walking around the city, you can always visit your friends, las polomas, at the zoo.
Each day is an experience I will never forget.
(Cada dia es una experiencia que yo voy a olvidar nunca.)
Nos hoblamos pronto. Adios por ahora.
Tu amiga en Xela,

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