-and i'm still sick.
This is my medicine to get rid of the hongos en mi estomago
One capsul=one shot, twice a day
Have you ever seen such a thing??
So...unfortunately...i'm still sick. I can't seem to kick this darn cold. The ash is still hanging in the air. The volcano is still angry and spewing ashy clouds into the air every day, which truely isn't helping. AND, to top everything off, I now have bed bugs. Mushrooms in my stomach, an 8 day and counting cold, cough from angry volcanos, and now bed bugs. First I just had bites on my feet, so I thought maybe it was something else...but now i have them on my cute little belly and arms. ARGH. I really can't catch a break. I'm having my sheets washed again- so, keep your fingers crossed. Hopefully the little creature was living inside them.
I'm also looking into an escape to the beach this weekend, escape from the ash. HOpefully meet some friendly animals in the mangroves.
Interesting daily thoughts:
1. It's been cooler and rainy the past few days. The rain was nice at first, felt like it was cleaning the air a bit from the ash, the air needed a good washing- but, it's still not clean.
2.The cobblestone streets make walking in the rain like hoping across pebbles in a stream. I enjoy the game, but dislike the rain.
3. The cars seem to drive even faster in the rain! The drivers are never overly cautious to begin with, but the rain seems to just pump them up. Let's see how wet we can get the gringos! I've been drenched twice....and I prepare to keep counting.
4. Men are mainly the drivers and they don't stop for women in the street, this upsets me. I swear they'd run me over and not feel bad about it. Men don't have to take a test to get a license, but women do. Interesting, eh? Machismo at it's greatest.
5. Ash is still coating everything in the city. A nice little blanket for these cold days...but i'd rather go without it. The knowledge that i'm breathing in that nice coating, is not a happy knowledge...it's disgusting and I'm feeling the consequences.
6. I've been eating more meat here and I think I need to stop. My stomach doesn't like it- but where are the vegetables? I see them growing in the fields, but I don't see them in the mercados.
7.Mas practica es necesario. I noticed my awful mistake in my 'hola senor tortuga' post....i originally wrote: signor. My problem with Spanish is that I keep mixing it together with peices of Italian, sometimes even a bit of French. I think that perhaps I'm really not learning Spanish, but just creating a new language of my own. Italiaspanglishcais.
The past couple days have been spent volunteering at TRAMA and I´m really liking it there...things are slowly coming together. Painting is fun, the women are super friendly and we get to dive into whatever sort of projects we want. I actually feel like I'm helping. AND, next week I start volunteering with Habitat as well. We start building at 2 on Monday, so I'll have exciting stories after that as well!
More soon.
Yo Prometo.