Thursday, 4 September 2008

A New Adventure

Buongiorno miei amici e parenti ( Hello Friends and Family )-
It has been some time since my last blog. Last time I was writing from my desk in my basement room in Vanlose, Denmark and now I am writing to you from one of my last nights in my own bedroom at home in Bristol, CT. In only 6 days I will embark on another adventure...this time to Italia.
While studying in Denmark excited for my graduation from college I had a revelation: 'Shit!- I have nothing planned out for the rest of my life!'... This is a great feeling, as well as a scary one. So used to semester after semester being mapped out with graduation requirements I found myself dumbfounded over what I was going to do with my life! Grad school was an obvious option, but after taking 5 years just to earn a bachelors degree, enrolling in more college classes was the last thing I was eager to do. Regardless, I tried to get myself motivated to fill out applications...and failed. I had heard several success stories from friends about summer jobs they had taken up as Au Pairs in other countries. For me, this was the perfect solution. I love nothing more than traveling and working with kids- and this job involves both! Especially after my amazing experience living with a Danish family, I couldn't think of anything I would rather do while trying to figure out what to do with my life. So, thanks to the Internet I found an amazing Italian family that was anxious to take me in!
 I depart on September 12 and will be arriving in Rome on the 13th. The family consists of: la madre- Lucia, il padre- Anton e la bambina- Beatrice ( Bibi ). This adorable 4 year old girl is my responsibility and I am also there to teach her english. They live on a farm in Albinia-Grosseto, the Tuscany region of Italy where their main products are Tomatoes and Sheep Cheese. They also have many many dogs. I look forward to this time away from the busy stressful lives of us crazy americans. I can not tell you how excited I am to frolic and tumble around with Bibi on her beautiful farm. I am hoping the family lets me try out a couple of duties on the farm as well, as I would love to learn how they make sheep cheese- not to mention I've never sheared a sheep either. Of course, I bet shearing sheep has nothing at all to do with making cheese- but I still hope I get to try it out!
Here are some pics courtesy of the Vivarelli family of my future home:

~This is their farm.~

~This is their lovely home~

~This is a pic of little Bibi.~

As for now I am only planning on staying in Italy for three months, although life on a farm in Tuscany sounds quite perfect and I have a feeling I'll never want to come home. 
BUT- I do have plans to do some volunteer work in Thailand in February- but more on that later...for now, I'm Off To Italy!!!

 Arrividerci, Ci vediamo! 

Yours truly,

Oh, I don't know how this slipped my mind- But I am also responsible for driving Bibi to and from school. European cars are rarely automatic and therefore I am super stressed about Italian hills- I keep hoping that since I am only a few miles from the sea the area may be a bit flatter- but I know I am only wishing too hard for something that can not be. I am busy practicing driving stick around here...and well, my skill level is not nearly as high as it should be. If i never had to start the car, reverse or get going on a hill I would be perfectly fine...but something tells me this will not be the case. Uh oh...practice makes perfect?
I only ask for your prayers and support. I am doomed.